
Martinez, V.; Neely, A.D.; Velu, C.; Leinster-Evans, S. and Bisessar, D. (2017) “Exploring the Journey to Services”, International Journal of Production Economics, 192, pp. 66-80.

Visnjic, I.; Jovanovic, M.; Neely, A.D. and Engwall, M. (2017) “What Brings the Value to Outcome-Based Contract Providers? Value Drivers in Outcome Business Models”, International Journal of Production Economics, 192, pp. 169-181.

Benedittini, O.; Swink, M. and Neely, A.D. (2017) “Examining the Influence of Service Diversification on Manufacturing Firms' Bankruptcy Likelihood”, Industrial Marketing Management, 60, January, pp. 112-125.

Visnjic, I.; Cennamo, C.; Neely, A.D. and Visnjic, N. (2016) “Governing the City: Unleashing Value from the Business Ecosystem”, California Management Review, 59, 1, pp. 109-140.

Wensley, R. and Neely, A.D. (2016) “The AIM Initiative: A Rejoinder”, British Journal of Management, 27, 2, pp. 455–457.

Zhang, Y.; Gregory, M.J. and Neely, A.D. (2016) “Global Engineering Services: Shedding Light on Network Capabilities”, Journal of Operations Management, 42–43, March, pp. 80–94.

Visnjic, I.; Wiengarten, F. and Neely, A.D. (2016) “Only the Brave: Product Innovation, Service Business Model Innovation and Their Impact on Performance”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 33, 1, pp. 36-52.

Hartman, P; Zaki, M.; Feldmann, N. and Neely, A.D. (2015) “Big Data for Big Business? A Taxonomy of Data-driven Business Models Used by Start-up Firms”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 36, 10, pp. 1382-1406.

Readman. J.; Bessant, J.; Neely; A.D. and Twigg, D. (2015) “Positioning UK Research and Technology Organizations as Outward-Facing Technology-Bases”, R&D Management, available online.

Benedittini, O.; Neely, A.D. and Swink, M. (2015) “Why Do Servitized Firms Fail”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 35, 6, pp. 946-97.

Weiller, C.; Shang, T.; Neely, A.D. and Shi, Y. (2015) “Competing and Co-existing Business Models for EV: Lessons from International Case Studies”, International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 15, 2, pp. 126-148.

Weiller, C. and Neely, A.D. (2014) “Using Electric Vehicles For Energy Services: Industry Perspectives”, Energy, Dec, pp. 194-200.

Al-Kassab, J.; Ouertani, M.Z.; Schiuma, G. and Neely, A.D. (2014) “Information Visualization to Support Management Decisions”, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, 2, pp. 407–428.

McFarlane, D.; Parlikad, A.; Neely, A.D. and Thorne, A. (2013) “A Framework for Distributed Intelligent Automation Systems Developments”, Journal Studies in Computational Intelligence, 472, pp. 313-326.

Visnjic, I.; Van Looy, B. and Neely, A.D. (2013) “Steering Servitization: The Role of Integrated Performance Management Systems”, California Management Review, Fall, pp. 56, 1, pp.100-123.

d’Este, P.; Tang, P.; Mahdi, S.; Neely, A.D. and Sánchez-Barrrioluengo, M. (2013) “The Pursuit of Academic Excellence and Business Engagement: Is it Irreconcilable?”, Scientometrics, pp. 1-22.

Cuthbert, R.; McFarlane, D.C.M.; Neely, A.D. (2012) “The Impact of Contract Type on Service Provider Information Requirements”, International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology, 3, 3, pp. 65-85.

d’Este, P.; Mahdi, S.; Neely, A.D. and Rentocchini, F. (2012) “Inventors and Entrepreneurs in Academia: What Types of Skills and Experience Matter?”, Technovation: The International Journal of Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Management, 32, 5, pp. 293-303.

Meekings, A.; Briault, S. and Neely, A.D. (2011) “How to Avoid the Problems of Target-Setting”, Measuring Business Excellence, 15, 3, pp. 86-98.

Bishop, K.; d’Este, P. and Neely, A.D. (2011) “Gaining from Interactions with Universities: Multiple Methods for Nurturing Absorptive Capacity”, Research Policy, 40, 1, pp. 30-40.

Perkman, M.; Neely, A.D. and Walsh, K. (2011) “How Should Firms Evaluate Success in University-Industry Alliances? A Performance Measurement System”, R&D Management, 2011, 41, pp. 202-216.

Marston, M. and Neely, A.D. (2010) “Beyond Words: Testing Alignment of Inter-Organizational Performance Measures”, Measuring Business Excellence, 14, 1, pp. 19-27.

Michelli, P. and Neely, A.D. (2010) “Performance Measurement in the English Public Sector:
Searching for the Golden Thread”, Public Administration Review, 70, 4, pp. 591- 600.

Benedittini, O.; Clegg, B.; Kafouros, M. and Neely, A.D. (2009) “The Myths of Manufacturing”, Operations Management Research, 2, pp. 28-32.

Wilkinson, A.; Dainty, A. and Neely, A.D. (2009) “Changing Times and Changing Timescales: The Servitization of Manufacturing”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 29, 5, pp. 425-429.

Meekings, A.; Povey, S. and Neely, A.D. (2009) “Performance Plumbing: Installing Performance Management Systems to Deliver Lasting Value”, Measuring Business Excellence, 13, 3, pp 13-19.

Neely, A.D. (2009) “Exploring the Financial Consequences of the Servitization of Manufacturing”, Operations Management Research, 2, 1, 103-118.

Griffith, R. and Neely, A.D. (2009) “Incentives and Managerial Experience in Multi-Task Teams: Evidence from within a Firm”, Journal of Labour Economics 27, 1, pp. 49-82.

Franco-Santos, M.; Kennerley, M.; Micheli, P.; Martinez, V.; Mason, S.; Marr, B.; Gray, D. and Neely, A. (2007) “Towards a Definition of a Business Performance Measurement System”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 27, 8, pp. 784-801.

Baines, T.; Lightfoot, H.;  Evans, S.;  Neely, A.D.;  Greenough, R.;  Peppard, J.;  Roy, R.; Shehab, E.;  Braganza, A.;  Tiwari, A.;  Alcock, J.;  Angus, J.;  Bastl, M.;  Cousens, A.; Irving, P.;  Johnson, M.;  Kingston, J.;  Lockett, H.;  Martinez, V.;  Micheli, P.;  Tranfield, D.;  Walton, I. and  Wilson, H. (2007) “State-of-the-art in Product Service-Systems”, accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 1534-1552.

Griffith, R.; Haskel, J. and Neely, A.D. (2006) “Why is Productivity so Dispersed?”, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Winter, 22, 4, 513-525.

Mayhew, K. and Neely, A.D. (2006) “Improving Productivity – Opening the Black Box”, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Winter, 22, 4, 445-456.

Neely, A.D. and Al-Najjar, M. (2006) “Management Learning Not Management Control: The True Role of Performance Measurement”, California Management Review, Spring, 48, 3, 101-114.

Neely, A.D. (2005) “The Evolution of Performance Measurement Research: Developments in the Last Decade and A Research Agenda for the Next”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 25, 12, 1264-1277.

Neely, A.D., Gregory, M.J. and Platts, K.W. (2005) “Performance Measurement System Design: A Literature Review and Research Agenda”, reprinted in the International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 25, 12, 1228-1263.

Denyer, D. and Neely, A.D. (2004) “Innovation and Productivity Performance in the UK”, International Journal of Management Review, 5/6, 3/4, 131-135.

Pittaway, L.; Robertson, M.; Munir, K.; Denyer, D. and Neely, A.D. (2004) “Networking and Innovation: A Systematic Review of the Evidence”, International Journal of Management Review, 5/6, 3/4, 137-168.

Lesure, M.; Bauer, J.; Birdi, K.; Neely, A.D. and Denyer, D. (2004) “Adoption of Administrative Innovations A Systematic Review of the Evidence”, International Journal of Management Review, 5/6, 3/4, 169-190.

Edwards, T.; Battisti, G. and Neely, A.D. (2004) “Value Creation and the UK Economy: A Review of Strategic Options”, International Journal of Management Review, 5/6, 3/4, 191-213.

Neely, A.D. and Jarrar, Y. (2004) “Extracting Value from Data: The Performance Planning Value Chain”, Business Process Management Journal, 10, 5, 506-510.

Marr, B.; Schiuma, G. and Neely, A.D. (2004) “Intellectual Capital: Defining Key Performance Indicators for Organizational Knowledge Assets”, Business Process Management Journal, 10, 5, 551-569.

Marr, B. Schiuma, G. and Neely, A.D. (2004) “The Dynamics of Value Creation – Mapping Your Intellectual Performance Drivers”, Journal of Intellectual Capital, 5, 2, 312-325.

Marr, B., Gray, D. and Neely, A.D. (2003) “Why Do Firms Measure Their Intellectual Capital?”, Journal of Intellectual Capital, 4, 4, 441-464.

Bourne, M.C.S., Neely, A.D., Mills, J.F. and Platts, K.W, (2003), “Why Some Performance Measurement Initiatives Fail: Lessons From the Change Management Literature”, International Journal of Business Performance Management, 5, 2/3, 245-269.

Ranaweera, C. and Neely, A.D. (2003) “Some Moderating Effects on the Service Quality-Customer Retention Link”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 23, 2, 230-248.

Kennerley, M. and Neely, A.D. (2003) “Measuring Performance in a Changing Business Environment”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 23, 2, 213-229.

Bourne, M.C.S.B. and Neely, A.D. (2003) “Performance Measurement System Interventions: The Impact of Parent Company Initiatives on Success and Failure”, ICFAI Journal of Operations Management.

Bourne, M.C.S., Neely, A.D., Mills, J.F. and Platts, K.W, (2003), “Implementing Performance Measurement Systems: A Literature Review”, International Journal of Business Performance Management, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1-24.

Bourne, M.C.S., Neely, A.D., Platts, K.W. and Mills, J.F. (2002) “The Success and Failure of Performance Measurement Initiatives: The Perceptions of Participating Managers”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 22, 11, 1288-1310.

Marr, B; Schiuma, G; Neely, A, (2002) “Assessing Strategic Knowledge Assets in eBusiness”, International Journal of Business Performance Management, 4, 2-4, 279-295.

Kennerley, M. and Neely, A.D. (2002) “A Framework of the Factors Affecting the Evolution of Performance Measurement Systems”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 22, 11, 1222-1245.

Jarrar, Y. and Neely, A.D. (2002) “Cross-Selling in the Financial Sector: Customer Profitability is Key”, Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, 10, 3, 282-296.

Marr, B. and Neely, A.D. (2002) “Organisational Performance Measurement in the Emerging Digital Age”, International Journal of Business Performance Management, 3, 2/3/4, 191-215.

Neely, A.D., Filippini, R., Forza, C., Vinelli, A. and Hii, J. (2001) “The Impact of Innovation on Business Performance: Perceptions of Managers and Policy Makers”, Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 12, 2, 114-124.

Kennerley, M. and Neely, A.D. (2001) “Enterprise Resource Planning: Analysing The Impact”, Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 12, 2, 103-113.

Neely, A.D., Mills, J.F., Platts, K.W., Richards, A.H., Gregory, M.J., Bourne, M.C.S. and Kennerley, M.P. (2000) “Performance Measurement Systems Design: Developing and Testing a Process Based Approach”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 20, 10, 1119-1146.

Bourne, M.C.S., Mills, J.F., Wilcox, M., Neely A.D. and Platts, KW. (2000) “Designing, Implementing and Updating Performance Measurement Systems”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 20, 7, 754-771.

Bourne, M.C.S., Mills, J.F., Bicheno J., Hamblin, D.J., Wilcox M., Neely A.D., Platts, KW. (1999) “Performance Measurement System Design: Testing a Process Approach in Manufacturing Companies”, International Journal of Business Performance Management, 1, 2, 154-170.

Sain ley Berry, P.; Ketelslegers, D; Schrader, B.; Kennerley, M.; Neely, A.D.; Barghahn, P. and Haehnsen, W. (1999) “Building the Single Market with Information Technology: Lessons from a Transnational IT Implementation”, Industrial Management and Data Systems, 100, 1/2, 36-40.

Neely, A.D. (1999) “The Performance Measurement Revolution: Why Now and Where Next”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 19, 2, 205-228.

Waggoner, D.; Neely, A.D. and Kennerley, M. (1999) “The Forces that Shape Organizational Performance Measurement Systems: An Interdisciplinary Review”, International Journal of Production Economics, 60-61, 53-60.

Mills, J.F.; Neely, A.D.; Platts, K.W.; Gregory, M.J. (1998) “Manufacturing Strategy: A Pictorial Representation”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 18, 11, 1067-1086.

Mills, J.F.; Neely, A.D.; Platts, K.W.; Richards, A.H.; Gregory, M.J. (1998) “The Manufacturing Strategy Process: Incorporating a Learning Perspective”, Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 9, 3, 148-155.

Neely, A.D. (1998) “Three Modes of Measurement: Theory and Practice”, International Journal of Business Performance Management, 1, 1, 47-64.

Platts, K.W., Mills, J.F., Bourne, M.C.S., Neely, A.D., Richards, A.H., Gregory, M.J. (1998) “Testing Manufacturing Strategy Formulation Processes”, International Journal of Production Economics, 56/57, 517-523.

Neely, A.D., Richards, A.H., Mills, J.F., Platts, K.W. and Bourne, M.C.S. (1997) “Designing Performance Measures: A Structured Approach”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 17, 11, 1131-1153.

Neely, A.D., Mills, J.F., Platts, K.W., Gregory, M.J. and Richards, A.H. (1996) “Performance Measurement System Design: Should Process Based Approaches be Adopted?”, International Journal of Production Economics, 46-47, December, 423-431.

Platts, K.W., Mills, J.F., Neely, A.D., Gregory, M.J. and Richards, A.H. (1996) “Evaluating Manufacturing Strategy Formulation Processes”, International Journal of Production Economics, 46-47, December, 233-240.

Neely, A.D., Gregory, M.J. and Platts, K.W. (1995) “Performance Measurement System Design: A Literature Review and Research Agenda”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 15, 4, 80-116.

Neely, A.D., Mills, J.F., Platts, K.W, Gregory, M.J. and Richards, A.H. (1994) “Realising Strategy through Measurement”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 14, 3,140-152.

Neely, A.D. (1993): “Production/Operations Management: Research Process and Content During the 1980s”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 13, 1, 5-18.

Wilson, J.R., Neely, A.D. and Chew, T. (1993) “Human and Production Requirements in Modern Manufacturing: Are They Complementary or Contradictory?”, Journal of Design and Manufacturing, 3, 167-175.

Wilson, J.R., Neely, A.D. and Aggarwal, N. (1993) “Allowing for the Human Element: Human Factors in Small Manufacturing Enterprises”, International Journal of Human Factors in Manufacturing, 3, 2, 193-205.

Neely, A.D. and Wilson, J.R. (1992) “Measuring Product Goal Congruence: An Exploratory Study”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 12, 4, 45-52.

Neely, A.D. and Byrne, M.D. (1992) “A Simulation Study of Bottleneck Scheduling”, International Journal of Production Economics, 26, 187-192.

Neely, A.D. (1991): “Production Management: A Two Dimensional Function?”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 11, 7, 49-54.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to thank you deeply for all your efforts
